StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Weinstein Strategy Picks<< 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 >>Post Follow-up
163 posts
msg #148941
Ignore roca1018
8/18/2019 7:42:49 AM


Thanks for your response.I'm wondering about quality stocks in a strong sector that clearly have been in an
extended basing pattern after a clear stage 4 decline that just crossed wma(30) and just broke resistance. I prefer S&P 500 stocks. Also, in re to sector performance what time frame should one consider?

Thanks a lot


1,089 posts
msg #148942
Ignore graftonian
8/18/2019 9:25:59 AM

Rich, I use a simple % above WMA(150) to rank sectors. I've added a couple of large gold ETFs and probably should add a bond ETF for reference.

/*S&P sector performance*/
apply to watchlist(spsectors)
chart-time is 1 year
draw WMA(150)
draw average volume(150)
/* % above WMA */
set{x1, close - WMA(150)}
set{x2, x1 / WMA(150)}
set{x3, cwma(x2, 3)}
set{PctAbvWMA, x3 * 100}
add column separator
add column pctabvwma{% above WMA}
sort on column 6 descending

1,050 posts
msg #148943
Ignore nibor100
8/18/2019 10:50:23 AM


One very simple non-coding method would be to go to the link below:

Stage 1s with the number of weeks in stage in 1 for SP-500 stocks will be at the top of the list. It also shows the % of resistance above the stock over the past 2 years and the % price is currently above the 30 week moving average of price. That list is exportable as a csv file.

Though I'm not sure what defines your personal "long stage 1 basing pattern"??

Ed S.

1,089 posts
msg #148944
Ignore graftonian
8/18/2019 11:18:02 AM

Not that I am advocating their purchase, the top picks on my Weinstein watchlist are VIPS, EXEL,PEGI, and SBRA; tech, med, utilities, and a REIT. With SPY below its WMA(150) and the WMA nearly flat, I see little chance of a big "score" in the near future. I'll continue scalping for nickles and dimes.

163 posts
msg #148947
Ignore roca1018
8/19/2019 5:49:21 AM

Thanks so much to both of you


1,089 posts
msg #148961
Ignore graftonian
8/20/2019 11:24:12 AM

BTO 1 x M JAN 16 C @ 1.62
UL @ 16.16. Against all odds, saved myself a trip to the local casino boat.

BTO 2 x VIPS 9 C @ .50
UL @ 8.66 All the Weinstein factors seem to be in place, except for resistance at 9.00.

1,089 posts
msg #148983
Ignore graftonian
8/23/2019 10:24:55 AM

Open ERX Call Diag @ 2.70
BTO SEP20 144C, STO SEP13 149C, UL = 144.32

Open PHM Call Diag @1.30
BTO OCT18 33C, STO SEP20 35C, UL = 33.47

1,089 posts
msg #149000
Ignore graftonian
8/27/2019 3:58:04 PM

GLPI gathering steam?

1,089 posts
msg #149008
Ignore graftonian
8/29/2019 11:44:13 AM

Aug27 BTO 2 x RUBI OCT 10CALL @ .98
Aug28 BTO 1 x MOMO SEP 35CALL @1.80
Aug29 STC 1 x MOMO SEP 35CALL @ 2.30
Net: $50 / 28%

1,089 posts
msg #149009
Ignore graftonian
8/29/2019 12:35:29 PM

PZZA testing resistance, will it see 70 again?

StockFetcher Forums · Stock Picks and Trading · Weinstein Strategy Picks<< 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 >>Post Follow-up

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