VirginTrader 73 posts msg #154458 - Ignore VirginTrader |
10/27/2020 1:26:07 PM
I am sorry I removed your post but I couldn't remove karennma's post somehow.
I just don't want this thread to degrade to political fights.
klynn55 747 posts msg #154459 - Ignore klynn55 |
10/27/2020 3:24:13 PM
next time i complain to stockfetcher
klynn55 747 posts msg #154460 - Ignore klynn55 |
10/27/2020 3:26:22 PM
so you allow karen to insult me , i never do ad hominem, i argue the facts.
klynn55 747 posts msg #154461 - Ignore klynn55 |
10/27/2020 3:30:56 PM
your entire thread is politics ! "denigrate the thread ' your first post was political! and what right do you have censoring me ? i pay my sub like everyone else and have done so for years, contributions , i have none
because i am truthful, i do not have a way to beat the markets. actually i do but it is daytrading !
karennma 8,057 posts msg #154462 - Ignore karennma |
10/27/2020 4:33:47 PM
You can't remove someone else's posts.
Only SF can do that.
WHY would you want to do that anyway, when OTHER PEOPLE might want to read them?
Just because I don't read klynn's posts, doesn't mean they're useless.
They're just not useful TO ME ... but they might be useful to you.
Live and let live!
THINK and let think!
VirginTrader 73 posts msg #154463 - Ignore VirginTrader modified |
10/27/2020 7:16:52 PM
@klyn...obviously you are triggered and tilted by comments before digesting them.
Tell me, what part of my 1st post offended you?
edit: MSFT beats both rev and eps.
klynn55 747 posts msg #154465 - Ignore klynn55 |
10/27/2020 10:39:13 PM
me digest ? , , i wrote "your entire thread is political" , your first post did not trigger me, the entire thread was political.
shillllihs 6,050 posts msg #154466 - Ignore shillllihs |
10/27/2020 10:47:17 PM
Klynn just curious do you live in a forest near possum?
Do you like to fish in an open stream? Not attacking I just always picture you in the wilderness living in a log cabin.
VirginTrader 73 posts msg #154469 - Ignore VirginTrader modified |
10/28/2020 8:13:38 AM
you wrote...your FIRST post was political!
I asked you what about my FIRST post was political...then you responded with ALL of it is. You know what that logic sounds like if I was to make myself sound like you? It would sound like this:
klyn IS a sanctimonious easily triggered lonely unhappy raging individual.
klyn IS a senior taking viagra
therefore, ALL seniors taking viagra must be sanctimonious easily triggered lonely unhappy raging individuals.
So, assuming you are intellectually capable of logic:
- why are you here? (lemme guess...u wanna be...)
- doesn't politics affect the markets?
- if you are insistent about your freedom of expression, why are u criticizing me for posting poll results? I certainly have not criticized you for your choice of party
Why are poll results insulting?
How am I allowing karennma to insult you? Do you even read and comprehend or do you just like to throw stones like a whiny lil pretentious brat?
And umm...apparently, I cannot remove posts. Sad life you lead getting worked up about nothing or maybe that is all u got.
@karennma..u misunderstood my post. I wanted to remove BOTH posts to keep it from getting into...well too late! Release the hounds!
Meanwhile...the market had a decent day yesterday and today is another day!

klynn55 747 posts msg #154482 - Ignore klynn55 |
10/28/2020 5:32:20 PM
ive been to good forums where politics was allowed to enter, right wingers posting obscene family pictures of obama, thats when i started fighting politics on stock forums. i never initiate , i respond. and i don't attack personally , my first logic class in freshman year drummed home you lose the argument if you attack the man and not his hominem logic never wins.