sandjco 648 posts msg #152622 - Ignore sandjco |
6/13/2020 11:45:08 AM
RE: "that BOX range"...
Unfortunately, it wasn't a filter that caught all those. It was "luck" and going thru different charts. I do not do any "DD" anymore (outside of reading news feeds - which i am trying to cut out) nor do i read "research reports".
@ roca1018
yes...that is one of the harder lessons I am trying to learn well....always trying to tell myself..."let the game come to you; don't chase it".
FOMO...and where do we go from here? Interesting how the Mkt sold off as it was approaching the previous highs. So, what's next? Fun. One thing for certain...not going to read the news!
Thanks for dropping by!
sandjco 648 posts msg #152641 - Ignore sandjco modified |
6/15/2020 9:05:29 AM
FOMO - "Fear of Missing Out" was an acronym that I was not familiar before till a kind hearted trader introduced it to me. Got me thinking...
I guess..
FOMO could be those who sold at the bottom or anywhere during the bounce wanting to get back in...or those who stayed in cash waiting for this whole thing to sort itself out.
FOMO could also be those who wanted to get out but couldn't and have now the chance to sell...
The question now becomes (for me anyhow)..if it far will it tilt (when the answer should be "who cares!)? Answer (for me I think) "should be"...let the market action dictate your trading plans. Thursday was the warning to use Friday as an entry to go short?

sandjco 648 posts msg #152653 - Ignore sandjco |
6/16/2020 8:36:52 AM
No it wasn't...Ms. Market went up instead! More stimulus to the rescue!
As long as money can be doesn't matter what "state" people think we are in!

sandjco 648 posts msg #152702 - Ignore sandjco |
6/22/2020 8:33:05 AM
Playing with market timing filters...this one by Kevin added some Cheese stoch...
not sure what the significance of 19 and 39. Gonna assume 20 is trading days in a month?
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #152703 - Ignore Cheese |
6/22/2020 9:50:17 AM
19 and 39 are given by McClellan
sandjco 648 posts msg #152760 - Ignore sandjco |
6/25/2020 5:30:36 AM
Thanks Cheese!
Tipping below 300?
sandjco 648 posts msg #152788 - Ignore sandjco modified |
6/26/2020 10:40:07 AM
The battle for 300 SPY is going....Jul SPY 290P $4
EDIT: Looking at SPY and QQQ they seem to hold up...then assuming there is some meaning behind the $NYMO or I should say the AD Summation that is trending down, there seems to be a disconnect.

sandjco 648 posts msg #152791 - Ignore sandjco modified |
6/26/2020 12:30:10 PM
I am not certain how the Mclellan Summation has any correlation on the QQQs or IWM
Short QQQ Jul 240P $5

Cheese 1,374 posts msg #152794 - Ignore Cheese |
6/26/2020 1:32:33 PM
If I remember correctly, years ago, someone in this forum has abandoned using the summation index
Now, about the oscillator, roca1018 should know quite a bit more because Rich has made money
using $NYMO. Ihope roca1018 will chime in and enlighten us.
My limited understanding is that only extreme values of $NYMO are useful, .i.e over 100 and below -100.
$NYMO is not a precise timing tool. In roca1018 trading example, it was only good for about a day.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152808 - Ignore sandjco modified |
6/26/2020 9:01:19 PM
Thanks for dropping by Cheese and ALWAYs appreciate your thoughts!
As you know...I am bumbling my way learning here and haven't really come across the topic too much till it was brought up recently in another thread (that you commented on) which led to my search and bingo..Kevin's script showed up. Hence, i was playing around it.
Pardon my crude I have the low level subscription, I cannot mark the triggers...hence..this
It appears that while it may not be wonderful...visually, it seems to keep us away from trouble. Today, it crossed below 0. SPY at $300.05 QQQ at $240.22 with DIA seeming the first one to tilt...
Not a Guppy expert like Mac...but a Guppy looks like the ST group has bailed the party and next weeks' price action will tell us more?
four was sooo good in annotating! Dang what happened to the usual suspects?
i was just trying to find a way how to express what my logic seems to go to....logic right now is saying...why is Ms Market so resilient as if everything is OK? Is there a way to check under the hood to find the cockroaches are bailing ship? Of course logic may be right one day....but it may be too far tomorrow when the trade was placed today.
What will tilt this either way? Covid cases apparently has spiked up. Protests? Election coming up. Tariffs?