sandjco 648 posts msg #151929 - Ignore sandjco |
4/27/2020 9:18:13 AM
"Learnings" from the recent meltdown...notes to self:
- The discipline to tune out the "noise" (news, stats (me looking at the corona virus odometer), etc...)
- It is "you" and your "system"; no better way to validate that than real money WITH risk controls
- "Trading" is indeed an "art" set ups may be mechanical but exits are hard (I found taking profits to be extremely hard specially when one thinks you've bought bottom)...
- The "trend" is indeed your friend until it isn't...
Where are we going?...So far...up

sandjco 648 posts msg #151934 - Ignore sandjco |
4/27/2020 5:39:39 PM
Picked up 50 contracts using $3 as cost basis of the Jan 2022 $3C.
Yes, absolutely went over my position sizing limit for options. Yep, maybe getting too drunk with results. Yep, agonized over pulling the trigger for 1 minute.
Will sell if contracts lose 50% of its value...
sandjco 648 posts msg #151970 - Ignore sandjco |
4/29/2020 11:17:31 PM
Shoulda...coulda..woulda...hmmm...this may be ugly ...gotta wait till May 4th to know if debt is being restructured. Can't see why not...this could be an expensive cray cray lesson in leading expectations to believing.
On the bright side...
IWM motors on...
Uncle Elon keeps on giving...
PAYC keeps on paying
QQQ...the wonderful mistake of the 250Cs
KRE...keep on stocking up...
FNGU..happy proxy for the big guns
A stampeding bullish market does indeed cover one's foolish wart sometimes.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152006 - Ignore sandjco |
4/30/2020 9:49:22 PM
Chickened out on HTZ...sold 40 contracts using $2.60 EOD for a 15% loss. Stubbornly keeping 10 contracts to see how it unfolds.
Why did I sell? Live to trade another day....better with ammo than without. Can always come back and play later.
Why did I jump in to start with? Showing double bottom; Icahn owns > 30% of it...should be able to bail it out. Lenders will see the issue as pandemic related and may defer or restructure rather than write it off.
Why not double down? derp plays i said to myself ;=P
sandjco 648 posts msg #152045 - Ignore sandjco |
5/3/2020 7:00:52 PM
Maybe i'm over complicating things again after being spoiled....
Trying to pick the "best" entry (HTZ) is appearing to be almost like a lost cause given my limited skill sets. I should be happy just catching 80% of the trade and move on as those have been what is working.
Picked up SRTY EOD $19.08 will use $16 stop
SPY to tip or not to tip. Short EOD $282.79
AAPL blahhh? Short $289

sandjco 648 posts msg #152049 - Ignore sandjco modified |
5/4/2020 2:29:05 PM
Sell in May and go away apparently....SPY closed at 282.79 on May 1st. Lets' see what happens; March low was 222.95 a 60 point swing.
Apparently, we will drop another 40% from here....given the states are trying to re-open. Could the "re-opening" and then the possible consequences of it spreading again be the fuel to tilt the market or are these just noise?
The big FANGs have reported...what is the upside in holding before the next earnings releases? Uncle Warren apparently dumped his airline holdings and is sitting on a 150B cash.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152057 - Ignore sandjco |
5/5/2020 11:13:08 AM
Getting my tush handed to me with the shorts; closed for losses. Will stay on the sideline to ponder about life....;=P
sandjco 648 posts msg #152114 - Ignore sandjco |
5/8/2020 6:32:22 PM
3MM Americans lost their jobs...and the markets have been on a tear since Mar lows. IF that ain't a bull...don't know what is!!!
The market really does seem to look ahead....
xarlor 590 posts msg #152117 - Ignore xarlor |
5/8/2020 10:31:10 PM
I know you've seen the comparisons between the Great Depression chart and the current chart. This is something I've been doing for the past couple weeks.
I take the WEEKLY Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) chart of the Great Depression.
I take the DAILY DJIA chart of the current situation, dubbed the Great Lockdown.
I superimpose the latter on the former and get chills.
sandjco 648 posts msg #152118 - Ignore sandjco modified |
5/9/2020 12:17:48 AM
Thanks Xarlor! I haven't seen that and I appreciate you sharing. "belief" and "expectations" was that the market would tip given the corona virus stats despite the trend showing that it was "still" on an uptrend.
That belief led me to buy puts and SRTY BEFORE any indicators for a correction flashed (hence, I was leading my "beliefs" dictate my trades). What has provided me with more than the necessary cushions were the calls bought when it was a gong show (which I am now having to face with the decision to liquidate or not). However, that also provided me with the false arrogance to trade HTZ and didn't "think twice" of the possible loss holding long dated calls. the end, I am not happy with how I reacted to what was in front of me as I let emotions dictate what I was trading. That is the part that I am trying so very hard to improve on. Based on my recent trades (HTZ, SRTY, AAPL puts and SPY short), I have miserable failed and my mistakes are falsely masked by the huge gains on my other calls bought without emotions.
I know that I cannot succeed long term if I keep on making the same mistakes. I am not sure if there is a quick fix as it is solely up to me. I also find sitting on cash so difficult specially when one has reaped the returns so easily.
Maybe I am over thinking this....I am continually being humbled by Mr. or Ms. Market. And so it should be given my lack of maturity in being able to deal with its whims.
Didn't post it..but I scalped TWLO, BYND, EVBG, ENPH and AYX. Didn't care about buying the "low"; focused merely on catch the 80% of the possible run. I should be more than happy but I don't know why the mistakes I made are bothering me so much. I know it is a "me" problem.
Thank you for dropping by and sharing; I appreciate it.
BTW..the other thing I do long as money can be "printed" can fix most issues; we just end up paying for it one way or another...i have to listen to the market...till it says bear...the trend is up.