four 5,087 posts msg #123643 - Ignore four |
4/24/2015 11:58:40 PM
four 5,087 posts msg #123644 - Ignore four |
4/25/2015 12:31:11 AM
four 5,087 posts msg #123645 - Ignore four modified |
4/25/2015 1:15:10 AM
both agree [circle] high or low then disagree [rectangle]
four 5,087 posts msg #123648 - Ignore four |
4/26/2015 1:30:19 AM
four 5,087 posts msg #123707 - Ignore four |
5/2/2015 9:18:38 PM
something for everyone ?
four 5,087 posts msg #123721 - Ignore four modified |
5/4/2015 11:08:40 PM
Henry Carstens
Don Kaufman
pairs trading
four 5,087 posts msg #123793 - Ignore four modified |
5/16/2015 10:55:52 PM
four 5,087 posts msg #123797 - Ignore four modified |
5/17/2015 10:12:16 AM
another version of both agree
cci7 and cci28 agree *new high/low for both* and then follow cci7
four 5,087 posts msg #124004 - Ignore four modified |
6/9/2015 4:16:16 PM
another: agree disagree
both cci agree for reset (both above OR both below lines)
use cci5 to trade the cci30 trend

four 5,087 posts msg #124005 - Ignore four |
6/9/2015 5:16:07 PM