karennma 8,057 posts msg #126840 - Ignore karennma |
1/20/2016 11:39:38 AM
Was yesterday January 19, 2016?
Was DWTI $343?
And today is January 20, 2016?
And DWTI is ... $465?
karennma 8,057 posts msg #126841 - Ignore karennma |
1/20/2016 12:13:04 PM
I BET I can buy DWTI @ $475 and sell it @ $600.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #126857 - Ignore karennma |
1/22/2016 7:42:52 AM
Good thing I didn't actually DO that. Otherwise, I'd have to bury myself in a snowbank today.
Man! It looked like oil was going sub -$20 two days ago. Still could. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #126858 - Ignore karennma |
1/22/2016 7:45:54 AM
DWTI currently $327.75. down from $484.oo two days ago.
UWTI currently $2.04. up from $1.41 two days ago.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #126859 - Ignore karennma |
1/22/2016 7:54:10 AM
It's been a helluva ride.
Two day ranges:
Brent crude $27 to $31
The big 4 moving up too!
COP $32 to $38
XOM $71 to $76
OXY $58 to $60
CVX $75 to $83
Is it over? Bottom in? I dunno ..
four 5,087 posts msg #126878 - Ignore four |
1/23/2016 5:36:10 PM
Update from 1/16/16

karennma 8,057 posts msg #126883 - Ignore karennma |
1/24/2016 7:54:56 PM
UWTI - Go figure!
karennma 8,057 posts msg #126970 - Ignore karennma |
1/27/2016 12:13:09 PM
UWTI ...
Methinks last Wednesday (01-20-16) may have been the last time you'll see UWTI @ $1.41.
karennma 8,057 posts msg #127008 - Ignore karennma |
1/28/2016 7:43:51 PM
Here's the article that we missed last year.
Better late than never, I suppose ...
Saudi prince: $100-a-barrel oil 'never' again
four 5,087 posts msg #127023 - Ignore four |
1/29/2016 12:59:24 PM