cheukfong 4 posts msg #136093 - Ignore cheukfong |
5/27/2017 2:28:12 PM
how do I fetch stocks with the 52 week high is at least twice the 52 week low ??? Help ...
four 5,087 posts msg #136094 - Ignore four |
5/27/2017 6:34:18 PM
I post the link to the guide for basic knowledge to start:
cheukfong 4 posts msg #136095 - Ignore cheukfong |
5/27/2017 7:00:28 PM
thanks, I am looking for high to be at least 150% of the low, and I think this would do it ...
and high 52 week high{52wkhi} is more than 50% above low 52 week low{52wklo}
SAFeTRADE 649 posts msg #136096 - Ignore SAFeTRADE |
5/27/2017 7:30:32 PM
set{x, low 52 week low * 1.50}
x above 1.5
add column x
add column low 52 week low
sort column 5 descending