styliten 305 posts msg #157142 - Ignore styliten |
7/3/2021 3:50:16 PM
If not, what do you guys use as a preferred baseline of any stocks?
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #157145 - Ignore Cheese |
7/3/2021 9:41:22 PM
styliten 7/3/2021 3:50:16 PM
You may find the following thread on IBD Flat Base line of added value:
Other pros use ATR.
There are good ATR posts by four, davesaint86, and others
Yet other pros use the Kijun Base Line.
styliten 305 posts msg #157162 - Ignore styliten modified |
7/6/2021 1:26:48 PM
@ Cheese,
Got some questions for you:
Have you ever figured out/able to reconcile between:
a. and
Specifically, using 16 or 25 days (the square roots of 16 and 25 are 4 and 5 respectively):
1. What's the difference between:
Draw Top Linear Regression Line(16,1.0,0) and
Draw Top Linear Regression Line(16,1.0,1)
2. What's the conversion between Linear Regression Channel and Standard Error Channel?
Draw Top Linear Regression Line(16,1.0,1) = Draw Upper Standard Error Channel (16, 4) ?
If not, what's the correct conversion value between the two using 16 or 25 days as an example?
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #157164 - Ignore Cheese |
7/6/2021 3:03:18 PM
Your questions are beyond my pay grade.
Perhaps, technical minds like nibor100, fotch, xarlor, mahkoh, and many more members
can answer questions.
I simply get down to my level and use the following link, which is good enough for me:
styliten 305 posts msg #157168 - Ignore styliten modified |
7/6/2021 10:24:59 PM
Leaning towards the opinion that the built-in stderr calculations may be wrong:
View the results in TABLE.
The good thing: the difference between Top & Bottom Linear Regression Line does equal to standard deviation, and the difference between Upper and lower Standard Error Band does equal to the stderr value.
The bad thing: the stderr is sometimes greater than the corresponding stddev for the same period, which is statistically impossible!
Wish there is more technical know-how here!
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #157172 - Ignore Cheese |
7/6/2021 10:50:52 PM
In the earlier years, members like TRO, yepher, alf44, Kevin_in_GA, miketranz, niko, etc
would be able to have a meaningful discussion.
TRO, yepher, and mahkoh have recently resurfaced. Maybe they could chime in.
Currently, members like nibor100, xarlor, miketranz, etc would likely be qualified to
provide insights.
Also, please contact sF staff. Usually, people who programme the indicators have more
insightful views than users do.
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #157173 - Ignore Cheese |
7/6/2021 11:02:57 PM
At one point, your posts seemed to refer to Standard Error Channel and Standard Error Band
interchangeably. But sF explanations said they are different.
Cheese 1,374 posts msg #157174 - Ignore Cheese |
7/6/2021 11:26:13 PM
For all practical purposes, Linear Regression Line and Standard Error Channel
should give the average users the same trading decision support
styliten 305 posts msg #157176 - Ignore styliten |
7/6/2021 11:27:18 PM
Yes, Error Bands and Error Channels are different, similar to LRI and Linear Regression (Channels) respectively.
But they are identical in values as of "today" (terminal value):
See results in table view: