streetffightingman 1 posts msg #135446 - Ignore streetffightingman |
4/15/2017 2:48:19 PM
I was hoping for something like
show stocks where count(close is above yesterday's close, 2) equals 2
show stocks where close is above yesterday's close
and yesterday's close is above the previous day's close
This is close to what I want but sometimes the up days are below the previous candle
show stocks where count(close is above open,2) equals 2
Mactheriverrat 3,159 posts msg #135447 - Ignore Mactheriverrat |
4/15/2017 5:22:27 PM
four 5,087 posts msg #135448 - Ignore four |
4/15/2017 5:24:38 PM
four 5,087 posts msg #135449 - Ignore four modified |
4/15/2017 6:50:10 PM
perhaps a short cut for the need to have each close closing above the previous closes
/*Consecutive close > previous close*/
count(close above close 1 day ago,3) above 2